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0:00 - Nanny Shine, Lulu, Larry, Chuckles, sister;
2:18 - children, friend, stand up, sit down, open your books, close your books. Keep moving, we're all at school today. Let's sing and do! Who's this?;
6:00 - mummy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, brother, family, now, OK. Look!, red, yellow, green, white, blue, colour, meet my family, Grandma and grandpa are coming for tea. What colour is it? Show me (red)..., What's this?.

0:12 - ant, bed, cat, dog, egg, flag, glass, horse;
2:55 - ink, jug, kangaroo, lamp, mouse, nest, orange, pin, queen;
5:47 - yes, no, Well done!; rabbit, snake, tree, umbrella, vest, window, box, yacht, zip, sheep, fish, ship, chick, cheese;
8:46 - песенка "Алфавит"

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